Love Never Ends


When I was seven years old, a particularly fierce thunderstorm swept through town one night.  One of those southern summer storms that shakes the walls of the house and the nerves of its occupants – especially the little ones.  Sensing my palpable fear, my dad quietly took my hand and asked me to come watch the storm with him.  I shelved my trepidation and accompanied him to the sun porch on the side of our house that had floor to ceiling windows.

As the storm put on a magnificent display, I sat on my father’s lap and listened to him quietly talk about calculating the distance of the storm by counting the seconds between thunder and lightning, why light travels faster than sound, and the origins of electrical pulses in the sky.  Every time I jumped at the sound of a thunder clap, he gently put his hand on my forearm and immediately my heart rate slowed down.  When the storm finally ebbed, I realized that I was completely relaxed. Read more...

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A gentleman and a scholar

03 07 14_0127There are certain special people in this world.  There are those that do things on a grand scale for the whole world to see.  And then there are those who quietly, but perhaps more powerfully, change the world through a myriad of tiny, seemingly inconsequential, acts of love.  Acts of generosity done completely anonymously.

This man was one of those people.

This man was the smartest man I have ever met, and everyone who met him would tell you the exact same thing.  His rapacious intellectual curiosity led him to read everything.  Everything.  From 19th century art to European military history to how Steven Speilberg filmed Jaws.  He wrote his own crossword puzzles for fun in the middle of the night and could beat you in Scrabble with one hand tied behind his back.  But when you talked to him, he made you feel as though you were the most interesting and intelligent person in the world.  He had the answer to everything, but he always helped you figure it out yourself.

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On the Road Again: Why Kids Today Don’t Know How Much Fun a Roadtrip Can Be

roadtrip (1) With the advent of summer comes a rite of passage in many families: The Summer Roadtrip. When kids today bemoan the horror of an impending car trip, those of us who are now of parental age are quick to remind our offspring that we spent our youths crammed into the backseat of a station wagon with none of today’s vehicular luxuries.

In the interest of determining who had to endure more (because there always has to be a winner), I thought I thought I would compare the two experiences.

1. Space

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